MFC Programming with Visual C++ 6.0 Unleashed
Learn tips, trick, and secrets from some wonderful MFC experts, and even some from Kenn (!). Kenn specifically wrote Chapters 16 (ATL introduction), 17 (scripting an MFC application using COM), 23 (Dynamic HTML from C++/MFC), 29 (MFC and OpenGL), and 30 (MFC and DirectX, especially DirectDraw).
With Dave White and others
Teach Yourself ATL Programming in 21 Days
Learn to write effective, lean and mean ATL-based COM objects using the latest in Microsoft's powerful COM template library.
Get the book's sample code here!
Understanding SOAP
See how to create SOAP-enabled applications and what makes the protocol so alluring to Web and distributed application developers.
Be sure to see our SOAP page for enhanced demo code!
With Mark Stiver
Applied SOAP: Implementing .NET XML Web Services
Take SOAP to a new level and learn how this awesome protocol is used within the .NET. Framework to implement full-bodied Web Services. Includes introduction to WSDL and provides many VB.NET and C# examples.
Also check out our .NET Web Service page for errata items and maybe more code!
With Mark Stiver
Windows Workflow Foundation, Step by Step
This hot new technology, now a part of Windows Vista, is one you can take advantage of in your own applications! This book starts you off by showing you how to build workflow applications and incorporate workflow concepts in your Windows applications, whether they are Windows Forms, Windows services, or even ASP.NET-based.
Be sure to check out my Windows Workflow Foundation page for errata items as they come up.
Effective REST Services via .NET: For .NET Framework 3.5
What is old is new again, or so it seems to me. Representational State Transfer, or REST, uses the basic capabilities inherent in the Web ecosystem to transfer data and information. Services your applications call return representations of resources that you can manipulate. In this book, Scott and I show you how you can use .NET to it's fullest as we explore every technology available in .NET 3.5 for performing RESTful tasks. You'll learn about the basics, such as how to work directly with HTTP, designing URI's, and how IIS and ASP.NET work on the inside. Then we look at implementing several different RESTful services using ASP.NET handlers, the ASP.NET MVC framework, Windows Communication Foundation, and even Windows Azure for cloud-based RESTful implementations.
Of course we have our REST page for errata and source code download.